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hot dish


սթեյք ֆիլե մինյոն.JPG

Steak Fillet Mignon

Veal, grilled vegetables,
demi glace sauce

5.900 AMD
հավի սթեյք սնկով.JPG

Chicken steak with mushrooms

Chicken breast. mushrooms, curry sauce

2.900 AMD
արմ հուկահ ռիբս.JPG

Armhookah ribs

Pork finger, pickle assortment,

kimchi sauce

3.300 AMD

Veal with roquefort sauce

Beef, rice, roquefort sauce

4.400 AMD
չիկեն չիրիկի.JPG

Chicken Chiriki

Chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, mayonnaise, curry

2.400 AMD
արմհոըկահ հավի միս.JPG

Armhookah with chicken

Chicken, mushrooms, rice, cream

3.200 AMD

Pork steak

Pork steak, Idaho rural, pickle assortment

3.200 AMD

Fantasy with veal

Veal, bell pepper, cherry, mushrooms, broccoli,
cream, parmesan, bell pepper, onion, greens

4.200 AMD

Chicken with curry sauce

Chicken, rice, curry sauce, Mexican sauce

2.600 AMD
արմհոըկահ հավի միս.JPG

Armhookah with veal

Veal, mushrooms, rice, cream

5.600 AMD
տաք թավա.JPG

Hot frying pan

Pork, potatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, greens

2.800 AMD
սաղմոն սթեյք.JPG

Salmon steak

Salmon filet, rice, cream sauce

8.200 AMD
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